My Mother and I: Our Story
In the fall of 2019, IMWAH launched My Mother and I: Our Journey, in partnership with@Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 / Musée canadien de l'immigration du Quai 21.
We worked with 3 pairs of mothers and daughters to document their experiences on immigrating to Nova Scotia. The conversations took place from an intergenerational perspective and captured the learning, challenges and tender moments that each mother/daughter experienced during their migration process.
On International Women’s Day, March 8, 2020, the project concluded with a public screening of short documentary: My Mother and I, Our Journey. A panel discussion was led by oral historian Dr. Emily Burton from CMI and IMWAH board of Directors following the screening. During this panel, the mothers and daughters shared their insights and experiences with the audience. IMWAH is grateful for this continued collaboration with CMI. IMWAH also thanks Charisma Grace and Jo-elle Buchanan, Olena Stepanova, Omaira Ospino and Yuminary Bryson for sharing their stories.
Inclusive Education Forum
On February 8th, 2020, IMWAH held its first Inclusive Education Forum for immigrant, migrant mothers and female guardians. It was led by Board of Directors Madhurima Asthana, Maria Jose Yax Fraser, Ayat Derar and member and advocate Monica Romero.
The forum was designed to provide immigrant and migrant mothers with resources that assure inclusion and secure family, social and economic well-being. The forum engaged Guest speakers from the Division of Student Services at the NS Department of Education and Early Childhood, HRCE Parent Navigators, NS Early Childhood Intervention Services, Halifax Association for Community Living and advocate Anna MacQuarrie.
The Forum strengthened another area of IMWAH’s advocacy to support immigrant migrant women and guardians to be active partners in the inclusion of their children with exceptionalities and special needs in the public-school system. In response to participant feedback, IMWAH’s Mothering Support Facebook Group was created after the forum.
Since the Forum, the IMWAH Inclusive Education Committee has been joined by two additional members and has begun its planning work in preparation of 2020-2021 programming.
The forum would not have been possible without the support of Catharine Rahey (Board member of Autism Nova Scotia and South Shore Chapter) and the vision of former IMWAH Board of Director Nancy Spina.
Our sincere gratitude goes towards Nova Scotia Communities, Culture and Heritage for funding this initiative.
Community Art Hive “Art and Storytelling”
Being an immigrant/migrant woman and a mother is a challenging and exciting journey. IMWAH began a 12-week Art Hive initiative where immigrant, migrant women, mothers and children are invited to explore guided artmaking and storytelling. Between January - March 2020, this program welcomed twenty eight immigrant women and more than forty-five children to come together and create art and tell stories. The Art and Storytelling Project provided not only a space for art, but, more importantly, a safe and relaxing social environment for participating women to self-care and engage with one another. In conjunction with the art activities, a guided storytelling circle held space for self reflective discussions on identity, cultural recognition, and personalized expressions.
Art and Storytelling is IMWAH’s third community art program creating space for immigrant migrant women and their children to feel recognized, connected and inspired through creativity.
The first phase of the project took place at the African Diaspora Association of the Maritimes and phase two at the Wonder’neath Art Society in the Halifax North End.
Throughout this project, IMWAH was grateful to work with facilitators Salma Shamo, Enas Jawad, Nimra Fatima, and the Wonder’neath team who led the art sessions and with Dr. Rohini Bannerjee who guided the creative writing and storytelling circle.
We would like to acknowledge the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration and 4Cs Foundation for their generous support.